Dom resides in the beautiful county of Devon in the UK. He started writing at a young age, mainly to amuse himself but also to let his imagination run free. His love of writing continued into his school and college education. He was inspired by two English teachers during this time. Dom rediscovered his passion for writing in 2018 when he began to write poetry. He has a passion for writing about his real life experiences, mental health, faith, and anything which strikes his spark of inspiration. Dom also blogs and enjoys writing short stories. When he is not writing, he can be found drumming or performing the role of taxi driver to his two very busy and sporty children.
What does poetry mean to you?
Poetry, to me, is a truly unique way to tell a story, to create a narrative, bring to life experiences, observations and inner feelings which I feel no other form can.
What inspires your poetry?
Life experiences mainly inspire my poetry. Life events, world events. Mental health also inspires my own poetry as I have battled with depression for many years. My own health recently has inspired many pieces. Injustices in the world can inspire my poetry, or simply a walk with my dog in the countryside has inspired me to write. A beautiful sunrise or sunset, the moon reflecting over the sea can inspire me to write. I can get a word which will fall into my mind, which could be any word, this will build into an idea, which usually turns into a piece of poetry. I can see something rather mundane which even then, I can find inspiration from!
Which are most important to you: (1) joy, (2) peace, (3) patience, (4) kindness, (5) self-control, (6) faithfulness, (7) gentleness, (8) love, or (9) goodness? If you can, explain why.
If I had to choose. Love. Faithfulness. Kindness. Peace. Joy.
To be honest, this was a tough one, as they are all as important as each other, in reality one in my eyes is not more important than any other. I guess we all want and need to be loved, all want peace, and all want to experience joy and kindness. As a Christian, to me all these qualities are biblical, so they all have a significant importance. I also at times showing them, particularly patience! I am human after all and far from perfect!
What sort of things are you looking forward to improving this year?
Self-belief, self-confidence, and patience! How successful I’ll be, I have no idea, as these have been an inner struggle for many years! This answer would surprise many who know me as I have no issues talking to people, making people laugh and being personable. One of life’s many mysteries!
What is one big dream you have?
To go travelling around the world with my wife and two children. Rent the house out, sell stuff we no longer need and just go for however long it takes! I think my children would learn far more from doing this than they would from being in school! Maybe I’m just an old school hippy at heart! And just think of the poetry and stories I could write, oh the inspiration!
I was just sitting watching TV trying to ignore the tingling limbs as I have become accustomed to over the last 3 or 4 weeks. I must admit that today hasn't been too bad compared to previous ones. My family have gone out, I should have gone with them. But with very little sleep last night I have stayed at home. At least I have Dave for company! (Dave is our dog!) I began to think about how sorry for myself I have been feeling about my current health concerns. I then began to think about how many many millions, possibly billions of other people in the world are far worse off than me. They would no doubt give their right arm to be in my position, or any other limb should they choose to. I started to think about how I often try to cope and face whatever life throws at me in my own strength and not God's. I do it again and again, I am human, I will fail, no doubt, again and again. This led me to think about how a conversation would go with God if I were to bump into him, as I would a good friend I hadn't seen for a while and he asked how I really am. Then reminding me of his love and grace.
He Said I Said
Hello he said
Alright? I said
How you doing there?
As though my thoughts he knows, he read
He said you know I really care..
Not bad I said
Seemed my standard reply
I see he said
Already knowing it was really a lie..
Are you sure he said
Prodding at my soul
I'm sure you know he said
Through me you are made whole..
I know I said sheepishly looking at the floor
Look at me he said, receive my grace
You're never alone anymore..
My human ways and pride get in the way at times I said, I really am ashamed
I know he said, I see he said
Here, let me take your shame..
I'm amazed I said, humbled I said
You love me in this way
No need he said, for you I bled
I love you each and every day..
I'm a creature of habit I said, I'll fail I said
Again, again and again
I know he said, come to me he said
Find the sunshine and not the rain..
Give me your troubles and speak to me he said
Don't be afraid to bare it all
I'm with you through winds and storms
I'll hold you, you won't fall..
I trust you I said, I have to I said
For I cannot do it alone
I'm with you he said, through everything he said
You're never on your own..
Don't forget I'm here he said
I'll try I said, but you know I'll probably fail?
I know he said, it's alright he said
I'm always waiting, to guide you on life's trail..
I don't deserve it I said
You do he said, my unconditional love is infinite
I'm saved I said, looking into his eyes
You are he said, now forever, each second hour and minute.
(©) Dom Giddy 2020
Find Dom Here:
Podcast Lyrical Life Disorganised Waffle on Spotify or on
Instagram: lyrical_lifebydg
Twitter: @GidztaSeVentY3